Tham khảo Dong (phân cấp hành chính)

  • Hunter, Helen-Louise. (1999), Kim Il-sŏng's North Korea, Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 0275962962
  • Nelson, Laura C. (2000) Measured excess: status, gender, and consumer nationalism in South Korea, Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231-11616-0
  • Yusuf, Shahid; Evenett, Simon J., Wu, Weiping. (2001) Facets of globalization: international and local dimensions of development World Bank Publications, các trang 226–227 ISBN 0-8213-4742-X
  • No, Chŏng-hyŏn (1993) Public administration and the Korean transformation: concepts, policies, and value conflicts, Kumarian Press, ISBN 1-56549-022-3
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